Touch2O® Technology: One Touch Kitchen and Bath Faucets by Delta

With Touch2O Technology it doesn't matter if you have two full hands or 10 messy fingers, tap the touch faucet anywhere on the spout or handle, and the water is running.

Touch it on. Touch it off. You're sure to fall in love with just one touch. The intuitive tap technology enables you to turn the faucet on and off with just a touch - anywhere on the faucet's body or handle. It's also cleaner - no need to touch the handle when your hands are dirty.

Touch2O Technology can also help you conserve water. As you prepare food or wash up in the sink, it's easy to turn the water flow off when it's not needed between tasks.

If you would like to learn more please click here.


Source: Touch2O® Technology. 2011. Delta Faucet Company. August 3, 2011

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What Is a Pressure Assisted Toilet?

The toilet is a piece of everyday life that has remained unchanged for many decades. In recent years, however, advances in plumbing technology have increased significantly. Pressure-assisted toilets are one advancement that help make frustrating clogs a thing of the past.

Traditional toilets are simple and use gravity to create flushing action. Newer pressure assisted models, however, use compressed air in addition to gravity for better function.

Inside the tank of a pressure assisted toilet, a canister contains compressed air. This pressurized air is used to push water through the system with significant force. Once the water has flushed, the air tank re-pressurizes for the next use.

The most obvious advantage of pressure assisted toilets is the prevention of clogs. Because air pressure works in addition to gravity, material caught in the pipes of the toilet are dislodged easily.

While effective, pressure assisted toilets are more expensive than traditional designs, costing more than $100 more. In addition, many assisted units are loud when flushed.

Since there initial introduction, advances in the design of pressure assisted toilets have helped make them quieter and more water efficient.

If you would like to learn more please click here.


Source: Arie, Benjamin. "What Is a Pressure Assisted Toilet?". 2011. Demand Media, Inc. August 3, 2011.

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